As part of our continuous improvement process, we invite you to fill out this questionnaire and give your opinion on various aspects of our business relationship.
Company Name of the person answering to the evaluation Position of the person answering to the evaluation Do you agree with the following statement MATISEC supports its suppliers in their daily activities Totally disagree Disagree Agree Totally agree MATISEC brings its technical skills to its suppliers Totally disagree Disagree Agree Totally agree Are you satisfied with our partnerships? Yes No Comments Suggestions for improvement: What are the strengths to continue? What could be improved? Evaluation of the level of supplier satisfaction to download in PDF format CAPTCHA Cette question sert à vérifier si vous êtes un visiteur humain ou non afin d'éviter les soumissions de pourriel (spam) automatisées. Submit
Cette question sert à vérifier si vous êtes un visiteur humain ou non afin d'éviter les soumissions de pourriel (spam) automatisées.